Thursday 7 June 2007

Plastic Ain't Our Bag -

This one is for Val - is my travels to create the Festival on 28th July I have come across a new campaign against plastic bag. Which Val Compton will tell you is one of the biggest causes of rubbish and health issues for the River Kennet. I have been in touch with and asked for a promotion pack to include for stall holders as part of the festival and invited them to take a this space for an update.
Check out this article - it warms the cockles of my heart to see people actioning change in this way

1 comment:

Val Compton said...

Just found the blog - it's great! A new place for me to write - oh deep joy!

You are right Anna - plastic bags are a source of rubbish and a huge source of annoyance to me. However, they are not the greatest cause of rubbish. A combination of food and drink packaging is really the greatest cause. Plastic food containers, bottles, cans, sweet wrappers by the million are the things that I pull out on a weekly basis. The point of entry for the rubbish is often only yards from where there is a perfectly adequate litter bin.

I still struggle to understand why people who head for a beauty spot by the river in order to sit and enjoy their food, feel they can then spoil the very area they have been drawn to, so obviously appreciate. If anyone can explain this to me I would be genuinely pleased to hear from them!

I can feel a rant coming on.... better quit the blog now...